Kokorioko the good man

Kokorioko my husband says his eyes I don’t interest no more
That his heart goes kupu kupu kupu no more when I approach
That I wear clothes twice my size making my curves a thing of the past
That his stomach in disgust churns when with sweet names I endear him
He says jo’Nyaoke his bride price must repay
His eyes with charms they must have blinded
Otherwise why would he a woman below his level married?

Kokorioko my husband says because he is a good man
He will not constantly complain of my inability to please his heart
He says I should wear makeup like kabibi the village harlot
Replace my “granny” headscarf with some quality weaves
And wear “hip” clothes so everyone sees he took his shot well
Taking the challenge I went to kabibi’s for a makeover
My husband was on the brink of a heart attack laughing at his monkey
He said I must have lost my way ‘cause his house is not a zoo

Kokorioko my husband nearly bites my head off
Why? ‘cause of the two pieces of meat in his plate!
Forgetting he did not leave money for the ten pieces he expects
He says that if he leaves me, no other man will desire me
But since he is a good man my presence he will tolerate
My husband knows not my knowledge of his promiscuity
That he keeps kabibi’s closet updated with the latest designs
While our children suffer mockery at school for their tattered uniforms

People of Mulanda tell me what I did to deserve such cruelty
Will I be cursed if back to my father’s land I embark?
Have I not for the continuity of my marriage fought?
What worth is it if my dignity and happiness is gone?
So back to Nyaoke with the crickets of the dawn I shall go
Maybe then the value of my presence will my husband see.

39 Comments Add yours

  1. Sammy Samora says:

    Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.
    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bramwel Rogers says:

    Insights into the world of the day

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you see it


  3. Joey says:

    Your diction..💥 and I can’t stop loving the paintings too..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nimependa… It speaks to me and I think many others at a very sensitive point… 👌👌👌

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The pictures 🔥🔥🔥🔥


  6. iPhoolish says:

    Awesome piece

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wayne hajy says:

    The art is Jus’s perfect👌

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Esther Ambasa says:

    Wonderful piece 👏👏


  9. Reblogged this on Site Title and commented:
    So a home girl did this a few hours ago and I thought my readers in this platform should have a look at her work too.


    1. Ahhhhh you’re an angel!


  10. Miss Vee says:

    Great read..lovely 🖒🖒


  11. Hawa says:

    The art pieces just accentuated the poetry perfectly 😍😍


  12. nyabos says:

    I’m in love with this piece.


    1. I’m glad you are!


  13. Ambundo says:

    This pieces of yours remind me of how i used to love deciphering poetry in school… Nice piece… Very african


    1. Thanks so much. Be blessed


  14. Austin Fisher says:



  15. Simply Amazing. You should write a book, ntanunua 😏🙌🙌


    1. Champ!!!!! Shukran Sana. You’ll get my book soon.


  16. Ogutu says:

    Deep piece there


  17. Morris says:

    Very nice ☺


  18. Dolph says:

    I love this


  19. clint says:



  20. Memory says:

    Amazing. I like how you put it down on paper always captivating.


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